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P. S. Systems & Software Inc. in 1997, we are a team of IIT Graduates, you would love our work execution.


Delivering AI-Powered Solutions for Your Business

AI and Machine Learning is the thing of demand, change the business style as per time and demand, we will help you to keep pace with changing technology.

Automation AI

Make your business Automation with AI, stay tune to technology and grow with.

Analytics & Insights

Discover the business Insights with Analytics make right decisions, save on cost and time.

Cloud Infastructure

We deploy our 99% projects, websites, E-commerce solutions on Cloud, to keep our clients ahead of times.

Fast & Secure Platform

We do take care of all security measures, as technology progress, fraudster learn new ways to cheat, we use secure platform


AI Solutions Tailored to Your Industry. Unlock the Power of AI: Leading the Way in Digital Innovation

We serve no of industries, i.e. Manufacturing, IoT, Traders, Importers & Exporters, Logistics, Transportation, Warehousing, Supply Chain, have implemented CRM, CSM, Customize Solutions as per need of clients.

Automated AI Chatbots

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Machine Learning

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Virtual Reality

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Internet of Things

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Worldwide Experience

We Always Try To Understand
Users Expectation

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